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Artists Against the Kremlin

3 augustus t/m 3 september 2024 | De Balie | Amsterdam
Artists Against the Kremlin is a major exhibition organized by The Moscow Times, All Rights Reversed and De Balie, featuring more than 100 works of Russian-speaking contemporary artists who share universal human values and a clear anti-war stance such as Linor Goralik, Philippenzo, Nadya Tolokonnikova(Pussy Riot), Andrei Bilzho, Victor Melamed, Mikhail Ray, Danila Tkachenko, de website, Slava Ptrk, Kungfuct, Artem Loskutov, Serafima Bresler, Vladlena Sandu, Pomidor, The Party of the Dead, Igor Ost, artisterror, BFMTH, K. Hell, Alexey Kovalchuk, Kuril Chto, AXYXY and others.

Artists Against the Kremlin will unite creators not only from Russia, but from Belarus and Ukraine. Many of them were forced to leave their mother countries, live in exile and are now based in 25 different countries. In their works they address themes such as social polarization, the experiences of living in exile versus under authoritarian regimes, and explore how art can be used as a political weapon against the Kremlin. The exhibition will encompass various artistic mediums including paintings, graphics, mixed media, multimedia, installations, and sculptures.


3 augustus t/m 3 september 2024: 10:00 uur

De Balie is accessible from Monday through Sunday between 10 AM and 11 PM.
Let op: Dit heeft al plaatsgevonden.
Controleer voor een bezoek altijd even de aanvangstijden op de website van de tentoonstelling zelf.


De Balie
Kleine-gartmanplantsoen 10
1017 RR Amsterdam (Noord-Holland)

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