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Zondag 7 juli 2024 | Theater Kikker | Utrecht
Baby sit the drill, smile for the camera, and try not to get on each others’ nerves. All our astronauts have to do is kick back and become the first pioneers to find alien life. Paranoia was never in the job description.
The temperature is soaring on Europa with CrOak!, an original play by Marte van der Linden and Jasper Landman. English Theatre Utrecht are back this July, ready to make you even second guess your second guess with this Sci-Fi horror.
The high achievers have already been and gone from Woodpecker Station. The crew of Rotation Two’s main job is keeping the seats warm for the real heroes to take over and find life on Europa: the Ice Moon of Jupiter. Despite the flashy degrees and years of training, these hotshots spend as much time indulging Marketing’s never ending social media campaign as they do making headway on their drilling mission.
And not asking questions about what happened to the last crew..
On their last night, the crew has a chance at the spotlight, but they haven’t the time to name their discovery before the water around them start to boil.
Of course, It doesn't help that the relief ship has vanished, or that the power is failing, or that cabin fever is rising and trigger fingers are getting itchy..
Alle voorstellingen zijn in het Engels | All performances in English.


Zondag 7 juli 2024: 00:00 uur

duur: 2 uur (inclusief pauze).
Let op: Dit heeft al plaatsgevonden.
Controleer voor een bezoek altijd even de aanvangstijden op de website van de voorstelling zelf.




Theater Kikker
Ganzenmarkt 14
3512 GD Utrecht (Utrecht)

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Genre: Theater | Toneel

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