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In the city of Ankh Morpork, crime is down with one simple trick: Make crime legal! Just stay within the quota, the Night Watch will even keep the doors unlocked. The patrician’s right-hand man, Lupine Wonse, longs to take control in the chaos. He has one goal: summon a dragon and bring forth an age of kings. After all, while kings may be good at slaying dragons, they will need help to… let's just say… guide them. It's a perfect plan - until a fresh-faced recruit to the Night Watch comes asking about a missing spell book. He’s hell-bent on following the law; even if it leads down a path of ex-wizards-now-orangutans, colleagues whose brain cells have been drawn on with crayon, and suspiciously dragon shaped footprints. From the works of Terry Pratchett, Guards! Guards! is the 8th book in his famous Discworld series. Known for his brilliant humour and satire, Sir Terry has become a must read for any anglophile or lover of fantasy. With an appeal to the whole family, this fantastical farce is considered by many, including NPR, as the best entry to the series. All performances are in English.
Zaterdag 1 maart 2025: 00:00 uur
Perfomances start at advertised time. Theatre opens 1 hour before, stage doors open 15 minutes before. Show duration: 2 hours (including intermission).
Let op: Dit heeft al plaatsgevonden.
Controleer voor een bezoek altijd even de aanvangstijden op de website van de voorstelling zelf.
€17.00. €12.75 with an Iamsterdam City Card.
Mike's Badhuistheater
Boerhaaveplein 28
1091 AT Amsterdam (Noord-Holland)
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Genre: Theater | Toneel
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