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Unlatched Water Ways of Belonging

Zaterdag 15 februari 2025 | DB55 | Amsterdam
Unlatched: "Water Ways of (Be)longing. A Love Letter from Space" is a special Valentine’s Day edition of a dinner-performance project _Unlatched_.
The project is connecting together performance, sound art, bio design, and culinary arts. This performance is created by artist and theatre director Roza Pogosian; sound artist Katarina Kadijević will submerge you into the deep waters with her sound installation inspired by local bodies of water, and the atmosphere will be created by a set designer Daria Ozerova.
At the heart of the experience is a six-course dinner, designed by culinary artists Dina Murtazaeva and Maria Baranova, who draw inspiration from the many states of water and the essence of the local environment. Each dish is an integral part of the performance, serving as a vessel for the mysterious journey through water’s stories—its local and global histories, its role in creation, and its affirmations for the future.
As you dine, the performance unfolds, exploring the profound connection between water and love. Through real and mythical stories, it celebrates their shared themes of fluidity, depth, and transformation. Like love, water transcends boundaries, offering life and connection to everything that exists.
We warmly welcome all types of couples, and singles are equally invited to embrace this evening of connection, transformation, and celebration.


Zaterdag 15 februari 2025: 00:00 uur

The event takes place from 19:30 until 22:00.
Let op: Dit heeft al plaatsgevonden.
Controleer voor een bezoek altijd even de aanvangstijden op de website van de voorstelling zelf.


Seat at a common table: €100,00
Seat at a table for couples: €120,00.


Danzigerbocht 55
1013 AM Amsterdam (Noord-Holland)

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Genre: Theater | Overig

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